AIS: Vision Graphics and AI for Streaming

A Hybrid ANN-SNN Architecture for Low-Power and Low-Latency Visual Perception
Asude Aydin,
Mathias Gehrig,
Daniel Gehrig,
Davide Scaramuzza
[pdf] [supp] [arXiv]
@InProceedings{Aydin_2024_CVPR, author = {Aydin, Asude and Gehrig, Mathias and Gehrig, Daniel and Scaramuzza, Davide}, title = {A Hybrid ANN-SNN Architecture for Low-Power and Low-Latency Visual Perception}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops}, month = {June}, year = {2024}, pages = {5701-5711} }

MambaPupil: Bidirectional Selective Recurrent Model for Event-based Eye Tracking
Zhong Wang,
Zengyu Wan,
Han Han,
Bohao Liao,
Yuliang Wu,
Wei Zhai,
Yang Cao,
Zheng-Jun Zha
[pdf] [arXiv]
@InProceedings{Wang_2024_CVPR, author = {Wang, Zhong and Wan, Zengyu and Han, Han and Liao, Bohao and Wu, Yuliang and Zhai, Wei and Cao, Yang and Zha, Zheng-Jun}, title = {MambaPupil: Bidirectional Selective Recurrent Model for Event-based Eye Tracking}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops}, month = {June}, year = {2024}, pages = {5762-5770} }

COVER: A Comprehensive Video Quality Evaluator
Chenlong He,
Qi Zheng,
Ruoxi Zhu,
Xiaoyang Zeng,
Yibo Fan,
Zhengzhong Tu
@InProceedings{He_2024_CVPR, author = {He, Chenlong and Zheng, Qi and Zhu, Ruoxi and Zeng, Xiaoyang and Fan, Yibo and Tu, Zhengzhong}, title = {COVER: A Comprehensive Video Quality Evaluator}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops}, month = {June}, year = {2024}, pages = {5799-5809} }

AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Generated Content: Methods and Results
Marcos V. Conde,
Saman Zadtootaghaj,
Nabajeet Barman,
Radu Timofte,
Chenlong He,
Qi Zheng,
Ruoxi Zhu,
Zhengzhong Tu,
Haiqiang Wang,
Xiangguang Chen,
Wenhui Meng,
Xiang Pan,
Huiying Shi,
Han Zhu,
Xiaozhong Xu,
Lei Sun,
Zhenzhong Chen,
Shan Liu,
Zicheng Zhang,
Haoning Wu,
Yingjie Zhou,
Chunyi Li,
Xiaohong Liu,
Weisi Lin,
Guangtao Zhai,
Wei Sun,
Yuqin Cao,
Yanwei Jiang,
Jun Jia,
Zhichao Zhang,
Zijian Chen,
Weixia Zhang,
Xiongkuo Min,
Steve Goring,
Zihao Qi,
Chen Feng
[pdf] [arXiv]
@InProceedings{Conde_2024_CVPR, author = {Conde, Marcos V. and Zadtootaghaj, Saman and Barman, Nabajeet and Timofte, Radu and He, Chenlong and Zheng, Qi and Zhu, Ruoxi and Tu, Zhengzhong and Wang, Haiqiang and Chen, Xiangguang and Meng, Wenhui and Pan, Xiang and Shi, Huiying and Zhu, Han and Xu, Xiaozhong and Sun, Lei and Chen, Zhenzhong and Liu, Shan and Zhang, Zicheng and Wu, Haoning and Zhou, Yingjie and Li, Chunyi and Liu, Xiaohong and Lin, Weisi and Zhai, Guangtao and Sun, Wei and Cao, Yuqin and Jiang, Yanwei and Jia, Jun and Zhang, Zhichao and Chen, Zijian and Zhang, Weixia and Min, Xiongkuo and Goring, Steve and Qi, Zihao and Feng, Chen}, title = {AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Generated Content: Methods and Results}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops}, month = {June}, year = {2024}, pages = {5826-5837} }

Joint Motion Detection in Neural Videos Training
Niloufar Pourian,
Alexey Supikov
@InProceedings{Pourian_2024_CVPR, author = {Pourian, Niloufar and Supikov, Alexey}, title = {Joint Motion Detection in Neural Videos Training}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops}, month = {June}, year = {2024}, pages = {5693-5700} }

A Perspective on Deep Vision Performance with Standard Image and Video Codecs
Christoph Reich,
Oliver Hahn,
Daniel Cremers,
Stefan Roth,
Biplob Debnath
[pdf] [arXiv]
@InProceedings{Reich_2024_CVPR, author = {Reich, Christoph and Hahn, Oliver and Cremers, Daniel and Roth, Stefan and Debnath, Biplob}, title = {A Perspective on Deep Vision Performance with Standard Image and Video Codecs}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops}, month = {June}, year = {2024}, pages = {5712-5721} }

Event-Based Eye Tracking. AIS 2024 Challenge Survey
Zuowen Wang,
Chang Gao,
Zongwei Wu,
Marcos V. Conde,
Radu Timofte,
Shih-Chii Liu,
Qinyu Chen,
Zheng-Jun Zha,
Wei Zhai,
Han Han,
Bohao Liao,
Yuliang Wu,
Zengyu Wan,
Zhong Wang,
Yang Cao,
Ganchao Tan,
Jinze Chen,
Yan Ru Pei,
Sasskia Bruers,
Sebastien Crouzet,
Douglas Mclelland,
Oliver Coenen,
Baoheng Zhang,
Yizhao Gao,
Jingyuan Li,
Hayden Kwok-Hay So,
Philippe Bich,
Chiara Boretti,
Luciano Prono,
Mircea Lica,
David Dinucu-Jianu,
Catalin Griu,
Xiaopeng Lin,
Hongwei Ren,
Bojun Cheng,
Xinan Zhang,
Valentin Vial,
Anthony Yezzi,
James Tsai
[pdf] [arXiv]
@InProceedings{Wang_2024_CVPR, author = {Wang, Zuowen and Gao, Chang and Wu, Zongwei and Conde, Marcos V. and Timofte, Radu and Liu, Shih-Chii and Chen, Qinyu and Zha, Zheng-Jun and Zhai, Wei and Han, Han and Liao, Bohao and Wu, Yuliang and Wan, Zengyu and Wang, Zhong and Cao, Yang and Tan, Ganchao and Chen, Jinze and Pei, Yan Ru and Bruers, Sasskia and Crouzet, Sebastien and Mclelland, Douglas and Coenen, Oliver and Zhang, Baoheng and Gao, Yizhao and Li, Jingyuan and So, Hayden Kwok-Hay and Bich, Philippe and Boretti, Chiara and Prono, Luciano and Lica, Mircea and Dinucu-Jianu, David and Griu, Catalin and Lin, Xiaopeng and Ren, Hongwei and Cheng, Bojun and Zhang, Xinan and Vial, Valentin and Yezzi, Anthony and Tsai, James}, title = {Event-Based Eye Tracking. AIS 2024 Challenge Survey}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops}, month = {June}, year = {2024}, pages = {5810-5825} }

Low Latency Point Cloud Rendering with Learned Splatting
Yueyu Hu,
Ran Gong,
Qi Sun,
Yao Wang
[pdf] [supp]
@InProceedings{Hu_2024_CVPR, author = {Hu, Yueyu and Gong, Ran and Sun, Qi and Wang, Yao}, title = {Low Latency Point Cloud Rendering with Learned Splatting}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops}, month = {June}, year = {2024}, pages = {5752-5761} }

CASR: Efficient Cascade Network Structure with Channel Aligned method for 4K Real-Time Single Image Super-Resolution
Kihwan Yoon,
Ganzorig Gankhuyag,
Jinman Park,
Haengseon Son,
Kyoungwon Min
@InProceedings{Yoon_2024_CVPR, author = {Yoon, Kihwan and Gankhuyag, Ganzorig and Park, Jinman and Son, Haengseon and Min, Kyoungwon}, title = {CASR: Efficient Cascade Network Structure with Channel Aligned method for 4K Real-Time Single Image Super-Resolution}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops}, month = {June}, year = {2024}, pages = {7911-7920} }

Real-Time 4K Super-Resolution of Compressed AVIF Images. AIS 2024 Challenge Survey
Marcos V. Conde,
Zhijun Lei,
Wen Li,
Ioannis Katsavounidis,
Radu Timofte,
Min Yan,
Xin Liu,
Qian Wang,
Xiaoqian Ye,
Zhan Du,
Tiansen Zhang,
Zhiyuan Li,
Hao Wei,
Chenyang Ge,
Jiangtao Lv,
Long Sun,
Jinshan Pan,
Jiangxin Dong,
Jinhui Tang,
Menghan Zhou,
Yiqiang Yan,
Kihwan Yoon,
Ganzorig Gankhuyag,
Jae-Hyeon Lee,
Ui-Jin Choi,
Hyeon-Cheol Moon,
Tae-Hyun Jeong,
Yoonmo Yang,
Jae-Gon Kim,
Jinwoo Jeong,
Sunjei Kim,
Xintao Qiu,
Yuanbo Zhou,
Kongxian Wu,
Xinwei Dai,
Hui Tang,
Wei Deng,
Qingquan Gao,
Tong Tong,
Long Peng,
Jiaming Guo,
Xin Di,
Bohao Liao,
Zhibo Du,
Peize Xia,
Renjing Pei,
Yang Wang,
Yang Cao,
Zhengjun Zha,
Bingnan Han,
Hongyuan Yu,
Zhuoyuan Wu,
Cheng Wan,
Yuqing Liu,
Haodong Yu,
Jizhe Li,
Zhijuan Huang,
Yuan Huang,
Yajun Zou,
Xianyu Guan,
Qi Jia,
Heng Zhang,
Xuanwu Yin,
Kunlong Zuo,
Dongyang Zhang,
Tianle Liu,
Huaian Chen,
Yi Jin
[pdf] [arXiv]
@InProceedings{Conde_2024_CVPR, author = {Conde, Marcos V. and Lei, Zhijun and Li, Wen and Katsavounidis, Ioannis and Timofte, Radu and Yan, Min and Liu, Xin and Wang, Qian and Ye, Xiaoqian and Du, Zhan and Zhang, Tiansen and Li, Zhiyuan and Wei, Hao and Ge, Chenyang and Lv, Jiangtao and Sun, Long and Pan, Jinshan and Dong, Jiangxin and Tang, Jinhui and Zhou, Menghan and Yan, Yiqiang and Yoon, Kihwan and Gankhuyag, Ganzorig and Lee, Jae-Hyeon and Choi, Ui-Jin and Moon, Hyeon-Cheol and Jeong, Tae-Hyun and Yang, Yoonmo and Kim, Jae-Gon and Jeong, Jinwoo and Kim, Sunjei and Qiu, Xintao and Zhou, Yuanbo and Wu, Kongxian and Dai, Xinwei and Tang, Hui and Deng, Wei and Gao, Qingquan and Tong, Tong and Peng, Long and Guo, Jiaming and Di, Xin and Liao, Bohao and Du, Zhibo and Xia, Peize and Pei, Renjing and Wang, Yang and Cao, Yang and Zha, Zhengjun and Han, Bingnan and Yu, Hongyuan and Wu, Zhuoyuan and Wan, Cheng and Liu, Yuqing and Yu, Haodong and Li, Jizhe and Huang, Zhijuan and Huang, Yuan and Zou, Yajun and Guan, Xianyu and Jia, Qi and Zhang, Heng and Yin, Xuanwu and Zuo, Kunlong and Zhang, Dongyang and Liu, Tianle and Chen, Huaian and Jin, Yi}, title = {Real-Time 4K Super-Resolution of Compressed AVIF Images. AIS 2024 Challenge Survey}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops}, month = {June}, year = {2024}, pages = {5838-5856} }

A Lightweight Spatiotemporal Network for Online Eye Tracking with Event Camera
Yan Ru Pei,
Sasskia Brüers,
Sébastien Crouzet,
Douglas Mclelland,
Olivier Coenen
@InProceedings{Pei_2024_CVPR, author = {Pei, Yan Ru and Br\"uers, Sasskia and Crouzet, S\'ebastien and Mclelland, Douglas and Coenen, Olivier}, title = {A Lightweight Spatiotemporal Network for Online Eye Tracking with Event Camera}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops}, month = {June}, year = {2024}, pages = {5780-5788} }

One-Click Upgrade from 2D to 3D: Sandwiched RGB-D Video Compression for Stereoscopic Teleconferencing
Yueyu Hu,
Onur G. Guleryuz,
Philip A. Chou,
Danhang Tang,
Jonathan Taylor,
Rus Maxham,
Yao Wang
[pdf] [supp]
@InProceedings{Hu_2024_CVPR, author = {Hu, Yueyu and Guleryuz, Onur G. and Chou, Philip A. and Tang, Danhang and Taylor, Jonathan and Maxham, Rus and Wang, Yao}, title = {One-Click Upgrade from 2D to 3D: Sandwiched RGB-D Video Compression for Stereoscopic Teleconferencing}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops}, month = {June}, year = {2024}, pages = {5722-5731} }

Adaptive Render-Video Streaming for Virtual Environments
Jia-Jie Lim,
Matthias S. Treder,
Aaron Chadha,
Yiannis Andreopoulos
[pdf] [supp]
@InProceedings{Lim_2024_CVPR, author = {Lim, Jia-Jie and Treder, Matthias S. and Chadha, Aaron and Andreopoulos, Yiannis}, title = {Adaptive Render-Video Streaming for Virtual Environments}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops}, month = {June}, year = {2024}, pages = {5742-5751} }

Retina : Low-Power Eye Tracking with Event Camera and Spiking Hardware
Pietro Bonazzi,
Sizhen Bian,
Giovanni Lippolis,
Yawei Li,
Sadique Sheik,
Michele Magno
[pdf] [arXiv]
@InProceedings{Bonazzi_2024_CVPR, author = {Bonazzi, Pietro and Bian, Sizhen and Lippolis, Giovanni and Li, Yawei and Sheik, Sadique and Magno, Michele}, title = {Retina : Low-Power Eye Tracking with Event Camera and Spiking Hardware}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops}, month = {June}, year = {2024}, pages = {5684-5692} }

Deep Video Codec Control for Vision Models
Christoph Reich,
Biplob Debnath,
Deep Patel,
Tim Prangemeier,
Daniel Cremers,
Srimat Chakradhar
[pdf] [supp] [arXiv]
@InProceedings{Reich_2024_CVPR, author = {Reich, Christoph and Debnath, Biplob and Patel, Deep and Prangemeier, Tim and Cremers, Daniel and Chakradhar, Srimat}, title = {Deep Video Codec Control for Vision Models}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops}, month = {June}, year = {2024}, pages = {5732-5741} }

FAPNet: An Effective Frequency Adaptive Point-based Eye Tracker
Xiaopeng Lin,
Hongwei Ren,
Bojun Cheng
[pdf] [arXiv]
@InProceedings{Lin_2024_CVPR, author = {Lin, Xiaopeng and Ren, Hongwei and Cheng, Bojun}, title = {FAPNet: An Effective Frequency Adaptive Point-based Eye Tracker}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops}, month = {June}, year = {2024}, pages = {5789-5798} }

Co-designing a Sub-millisecond Latency Event-based Eye Tracking System with Submanifold Sparse CNN
Baoheng Zhang,
Yizhao Gao,
Jingyuan Li,
Hayden Kwok-Hay So
[pdf] [arXiv]
@InProceedings{Zhang_2024_CVPR, author = {Zhang, Baoheng and Gao, Yizhao and Li, Jingyuan and So, Hayden Kwok-Hay}, title = {Co-designing a Sub-millisecond Latency Event-based Eye Tracking System with Submanifold Sparse CNN}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops}, month = {June}, year = {2024}, pages = {5771-5779} }